Western Hospital provides ECG services in Sri Lanka. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple test that can be used to check your heart rhythm and electrical activity. Skin sensors are used to detect the electronic signals produced by your heart every time it beats. These signals are recorded by a machine and a doctor checks to see if they are abnormal. ECG services are available at many centers in Sri Lanka.

An ECG can help detect:

  • arrhythmias – where the heart beats too slowly, too quickly, or irregularly
  • coronary heart disease – where the heart’s blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of fatty substances
  • heart attacks – where the supply of blood to the heart is suddenly blocked
  • cardiomyopathy – where the heart walls become thickened or enlarged
  • A series of ECGs can also be taken over time to monitor a person already diagnosed with a heart condition or taking medication known to potentially affect the heart.

No preparation is required. You can eat & drink normally before you come for the ECG.

An ECG generally takes 10 minutes. Here’s what happens:

  • Initially a nurse may ask you remove your upper clothing, and your chest may need to be shaved or cleaned.
  • Generally, the test involves attaching a number of small, sticky sensors called electrodes to your arms, legs and chest. These are connected by wires to an ECG recording machine.
  • The test itself usually only lasts a few minutes, and you maybe told to consult a doctor.